gurid2016-03-31 07:16:48
Search Engine Optimization
gurid, 2016-03-31 07:16:48

Disappeared from the issuance of Yandex after installing htpps for 2 updates, what should I do?

Were on average in 7th place for high-frequency queries. After they put https on the site, they completely disappeared for all requests from the issuance.
We were told to wait for an update. The update passed, nothing changed, the second update - nothing changed.
The second update was an index of the changes we had already made on the site (https)
Tell me what to do?

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2 answer(s)
guirid, 2016-03-31

In Google, almost in the top for all queries in Yandex, we are not at all

dendinis, 2016-04-05

redirect (301)
from http to https, the
transition was not done correctly, since. come back

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