Petr Grigorievich2018-08-15 21:01:17
Search Engine Optimization
Petr Grigorievich, 2018-08-15 21:01:17

Differences between Google and Yandex promotion?

How is Google promotion different from Yandex promotion? The issue is specific differences. There is a site, in Yandex everything is fine, but in Google it’s just seams. We want to raise positions in Google to the level of Yandex. What to pay attention to?

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2 answer(s)
Evgeny Yudin, 2018-08-15

At Google, much less attention is paid to the details of commercial factors and content. Also in Google, technical optimization and links play a much larger role (by the way, Sapa is still working under Google).
In Yandex, a lot of attention is paid to behavioral and commercial factors, while links mainly affect information projects. Also, ranking in Yandex very much depends on the design of the content.

Fedor, 2018-08-17

What is the age of the site? I will say this from experience. In Yandex, there have been cases when traffic went to a zero site from the first day in Google this has never happened.
For Google, age is very important and, according to Google's experience, it pulls up positions in at least half a year - a year.

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