bagerman2015-07-13 11:34:22
bagerman, 2015-07-13 11:34:22

Difference between: transpiler, translator, compiler?

Welcome all!
What is the difference between transpiler, translator and compiler?
In Google I did not find a clear framework for the definition of these terms.

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2 answer(s)
Antony, 2015-07-13

Well, in a nutshell, compilation is the process of obtaining a program (commands executed by the machine) from source code in a certain programming language.
Translation is the conversion of the source code of a program from one PL to another. Usually compilers (for example, for C/C++) translate the source into an assembler program, and only then compile it.
As for the transpiler (Transpiler) - this is the same translator with the only difference that the result has approximately the same level of abstraction as the source text (well, for example, a translator from Java to C ++).
Source-to-source compiler

Kir ---, 2019-01-24

Transpiler is a man-made term on Wikipedia. And then uneducated people from the world of JS started using it

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