Ilya Korablev2015-08-08 20:09:24
C++ / C#
Ilya Korablev, 2015-08-08 20:09:24

Development for Windows Phone?

Hello. I decided to start developing applications for WP 8. Recommend textbooks, manuals, literature. Where to start? Is it difficult, and what difficulties did you face during the development? You need to create an application with API creation.
I myself use Windows 8 and WinPhone 8.1.

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2 answer(s)
Artem Voronov, 2015-08-08

I advise you to use the search at least on the toaster. This question has been asked many times and there have been answers to it.

ichernob, 2015-09-23

Stackoverflow, MSDN, there is also a very good set of tutorials on youTube:
Windows Phone 8.1 Development for Absolute Beginners Part 1 - 6
True there in English.

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