Grigory Dikiy2016-11-17 16:11:45
C++ / C#
Grigory Dikiy, 2016-11-17 16:11:45

Determining mouse coordinate in OpenGL world area?

Good afternoon! I'm trying to get the coordinates of a point in the scene. For this I use this tutorial . For this, the MousePicker class was developed:

#include "../../headers/renderEngine/MousePicker.h"
#include "../../headers/toolbox/Math.h"

MousePicker::MousePicker(Camera *camera, glm::mat4 projectionMatrix)
    this->camera = camera;
    this->projectionMatrix = projectionMatrix;
    this->viewMatrix = Math::CreateViewMatrix(camera->getCameraPos(), camera->getCameraFront(), camera->getCameraUp());

void MousePicker::Update(Camera * camera)
    this->camera = camera;
    this->viewMatrix = Math::CreateViewMatrix(camera->getCameraPos(), camera->getCameraFront(), camera->getCameraUp());
    currentRay = CalculateMouseRay();

glm::vec3 MousePicker::GetCurrentRay()
    return currentRay;

glm::vec3 MousePicker::CalculateMouseRay()
    glm::vec3 result;
    int mouseX, mouseY;

    SDL_GetMouseState(&mouseX, &mouseY);

    glm::vec2 normalizedCoords = GetNormalizedDeviceCoords(mouseX, mouseY);
    glm::vec4 clipCoords = glm::vec4(normalizedCoords.x, normalizedCoords.y, -1.0f, 1.0f);
    glm::vec4 eyeCoords = ToEyeCoords(clipCoords);

    result = ToWorldCoords(eyeCoords);

    return result;

glm::vec2 MousePicker::GetNormalizedDeviceCoords(int mouseX, int mouseY)
    float x = (2.0f * mouseX) / 800.0f - 1;
    float y = 1.0f - (2.0f * mouseY) / 600.0f;

    return glm::vec2(x, y);

glm::vec4 MousePicker::ToEyeCoords(glm::vec4 clipCoords)
    glm::vec4 eyeCoords = glm::inverse(projectionMatrix) * clipCoords;
    eyeCoords = glm::vec4(eyeCoords.x, eyeCoords.y, -1.0f, 0.0f);

    return eyeCoords;

glm::vec3 MousePicker::ToWorldCoords(glm::vec4 eyeCoords)
    glm::vec4 worldCoords = glm::inverse(viewMatrix) * eyeCoords;
    glm::vec3 world = glm::vec3(worldCoords.x, worldCoords.y, worldCoords.z);

    return glm::normalize(world);

As a result, I got that on the x-axis and everything works well, but on the z-axis, minimal deviations are obtained, although in theory they should be large since the foreground is set as 0.1f and the back is 100f , and the deviations fluctuate around -1. What could be wrong? (I would appreciate your help)

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