noiprosc2014-05-23 10:18:34
noiprosc, 2014-05-23 10:18:34

Design + programming. In what direction would you develop?

Briefly about myself:
-I am fond of web design. I own photoshop. There is a tablet. Sometimes I draw
-I am fond of programming. I know - C#, ASP.NET, JS
What would you do if you were competent in both programming and web design? I want to find a middle ground where both could be used, and so that the soul would like it. I will say right away - I have no great desire to rush to extremes and completely devote myself to either programming or design. I feel in my gut that I cannot become a pure programmer or designer. The principle of the golden mean - that's what
I like. Actually, I would like to hear what you would do if you were 20 years old and you were such a hybrid. Maybe they would go into startups, or start making mobile applications...

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4 answer(s)
Alexey, 2014-05-23

Front-end developer I think will suit you. Focus on JS and design.

denver, 2014-05-23

I'm 32 and that's who I am. I found myself in creating UI / UX on the web and I consider this the golden mean in both senses: there are a lot of programmers and designers, but the former make interfaces with a chicken foot, and the latter cannot bring the idea to the end, usually a layout designer works between them, who really really JS does not know, in total, in order to somehow screw in a light bulb, 3-4 people are needed, plus a lot of time to find compromises where everything could be cooked in one head in less man-time. All you need today is twitter bootstrap plus a little imagination - simple faces are in trend, I haven't opened Photoshop for a long time. If you have knowledge of JS, try, for example, angularjs + twi bootstrap + css3 all sorts of transition effects, respectively, the profession of a front-end technologist. Find fresh effects/libraries, experiment, colorize, combine, simplify,

Yuri Lobanov, 2014-05-23

Chase two hares - you will not catch one.
Often, specialists like you find a job as a system administrator, or an IT specialist in some small company. If you have strictly decided to connect your life with it, I advise you to still choose one main line. Of course, knowledge in related fields will only help.
You are 20 years old, I do not know your difficulties in life, but if you are self-supporting, married, and even if you have children, it is very difficult to keep up with everything in several areas.

sca, 2014-05-23

Frontend (html5 + css3 + JS + I recommend JS MVC (Angular/Ember/Backbone) + jQuery right away). Unless there is a strong desire to work on a large multi-year project.
You will be able to implement most tasks and will be in demand, and there will always be something new. As mentioned earlier, frontend javascript MVC (like Angular/Ember/Backbone/Batman and others) will, if necessary, give you the ability to do really big and beautiful things with JS. If necessary, you can make a backend using NodeJS. The field for working with the code is huge, and only knowledge of JS is needed.
Yes, and knowledge and love for design on this path will be very useful to you.

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