qrazydraqon2011-01-29 14:58:10
qrazydraqon, 2011-01-29 14:58:10

Deploy to local server in PhpStorm

Denwer is installed on the machine, and there is a directory with the project (aka the SVN repository). I switched to PhpStorm, everything is fine, but I just can’t figure out how to set up a deployment to a local server. What should be written in the Web server root URL? The default is localhost , but in this case I don't quite understand how to set the mappings.

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2 answer(s)
Rafael Osipov, 2011-01-29

And if you write in hosts something like qrazydraqon.com

pmurzakov, 2011-01-29

If there is only one project, then localhost
is quite suitable . In the general case, prescribing an arbitrary domain referring to in hosts and linking a virtual host to it.
What's the problem with mappings?

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