Onatskyi2018-06-09 13:02:09
Onatskyi, 2018-06-09 13:02:09

Database Singleton or Dependency Injection?

Actually, which is better to use? Both options work, but which one is better? Thanks in advance.
PS There is a Database class (select, update, etc.). And there is a User class that uses methods from the Database class.

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2 answer(s)
davidnum95, 2018-06-09

DI, for tests

ThunderCat, 2018-06-09

ST is generally recognized as an anti-pattern in PHP, firstly we do not test it, and secondly it is static.
In the case of a database, it will also not allow you to connect to more than 1 database / storage.
If religion does not allow DI, use registry, this is also badly tested, but in any case there will be no static database object.

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