Yuri2020-07-28 15:52:46
C++ / C#
Yuri, 2020-07-28 15:52:46

Damage animation problem, how to solve it?

Good day, can you please help to implement the damage animation when in contact with the enemy, here is my CollisionDamage script:

public class CollisionDamage : MonoBehaviour 
 public int damage =10;
 [SerializeField] private Animator animator;
 private Health health;
 [SerializeField] private SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer;
 private float direction;
 public float Direction
   get{ return direction; }
 private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D col) 
        if (GameManager.Instance.collisionContainer.ContainsKey(col.gameObject)) 
            health = GameManager.Instance.collisionContainer[col.gameObject];
            direction = (col.transform.position - transform.position).x;
            animator.SetFloat("Direction", Mathf.Abs(direction));		
 public void SetDamage()
   if (health!=null)
   health =null;
   direction = 0;

How can I write a damage animation for a character in this script, the idea is this: there is contact, there is damage, there is no contact, and there is no damage.
PS this script is attached to the enemy.
The animation itself is played in the player in this place (Player script):
    if(!isJumping && !groundDetection.isGrounded)

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