TimLee2015-04-15 00:14:27
Web development
TimLee, 2015-04-15 00:14:27

Ctrl+z not working in Brackets?

I like CSScomb for code formatting, I write code in Brackets. Both editor plugins don't work for different reasons.
I decided to organize the process through grunt-csscomb. The process turned out like this: after saving in a file (for example, header.scss), the csscomb task is applied to it, the file is formatted and resaved (kmk). After that, you can not do Ctrl + z (undo) either as a hotkey or through the menu.
Tried in Sublime Text the same process. In this editor, undo works, but you have to press Ctrl+z twice.
What am I doing wrong? Tell me which way to dig.

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1 answer(s)
Ilya Shatokhin, 2015-04-15

The process turned out like this: after saving in a file (for example, header.scss), the csscomb task is applied to it, the file is formatted and resaved (kmk). After that, you can not do Ctrl + z (undo) either as a hotkey or through the menu.

Brackets watches for background changes to an open file and reopens it if it changes. Accordingly, the history of actions is lost. How to get around this - I could not find it at the time.

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