CapeRatel2015-10-21 23:00:31
CapeRatel, 2015-10-21 23:00:31

Crystal, Elixir, Golang. Where should the railroad driver go?

Crystal, Elixir, Golang.

I would like to download Skype browser and quickly read "terrible analytics". And stream left to right without brakes. Also parse "hundred hundred thousand" files from users, and coat thousands of snotty girls with photos from "toilets and cafes" with filters.

Now seriously. Where are railroaders looking? What do they choose? What do you like, what don't you like? Where are there already some frames for the web? Where communities have gathered and saw a new "rubirails boom".
Guys share links, opinions, arguments. Where to look, what to read. Where are the outlines of the future mainstream?
What about crystal? who felt?

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5 answer(s)
malroc, 2015-10-21

I honestly do not see it yet, this "future mainstream".
It is clear that Ruby on Rails is slowly becoming obsolete.
Almost all mainstream auxiliary tools are now developed under Node.js: gulp, bower, babel, postcss (not yet mainstream but probably will be). Again, almost all of the supporting RoR tools that were once either mainstream (SCSS, Compass) or set the tone in the industry (Sporckets, Coffeescript) are now beginning to look like an anachronism against the background of the same gulp, postcss and babel + ES6. That is, in terms of tooling, Node.js clearly rules. But this is a toolkit.
In the same treasury are websockets, for which the node is eatalon, and RoR still won’t really implement them (like they want in version 5). There is Faye, a good thing, but it is too noticeable that it is alien to RoR.
Another plus of the node is the possibility of isomorphic rendering of content for SPA. But here the question is already in the language, it is clear that you can’t implement this on anything other than JS.
In general, RoR, of course, most of the main new trends in the industry have safely missed and are gradually turning into a reservation with their own atmosphere. The node is at the forefront BUT only for any auxiliary part, there was no framework comparable in scale to it, nor is it.
Everything else (Go, etc.) is still so raw that, in my opinion, there is nothing to even discuss.

Evgeny Troinov, 2017-03-24

I, as a rubist, stopped by Elixir, in principle, I am satisfied.
Elixir programming language

Rakshas, 2015-10-29

> Where should a railroad worker go?
In the direction of becoming a real programmer.
> crystal
Has it already grown to the first_stable_version?
So far, the general trend is: Node.js/Golang. Elixir is for the most enthusiastic enthusiasts.
And this does not mean throwing rails in the trash. Try to file a web project of medium complexity on something from the list for a time commensurate with the rails :) You will be very surprised.
So: we write on rails, and we take out the "heavy" sections into microservices on the node / go, communication through long polling, web sockets, etc.

mukizu, 2016-03-09

Possibly Elixir + Phoenix. But it's possible and not quite the same as Ruby and Rails.
One way or another, some strong migration will not happen in the next couple of years.
Go is somehow off topic here, it is more for intermediate tasks "under the hood", although of course you can also saw on it "on Rails", but why?

caution, 2015-12-22

railroad workers - drool, ruby ​​- think.

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