Pandore2013-11-13 18:45:54
Pandore, 2013-11-13 18:45:54

Creation of an application for mobile devices. Have an idea where to start?

In what sequence should I start, where to go, what to read? The theme of the application is social networks. Is it possible to combine the ability to log into several social networks at the same time in one application?

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3 answer(s)
Reexel, 2013-11-13

I did the following: 1. I used Google to look for what technologies are important and promising 2. I looked for books and literature there 3. I met programmers 4. I started going to conferences, hackathons, video conferences 5. I tried to write something myself 6. I asked programmers for help 7. I realized that I didn’t know anything 8. I went to study as a programmer 9. I’m doing the project myself, I’m studying at the same time, I’m leading another project as a project manager 10. I’m horrified by the amount of material that you need to know All this, taking into account the fact that I worked for myself in web programming for 4 years, before that 13 years in printing, layout, design.

If this did not discourage the development of the project, then start with a simple one - search for information :)

Philip, 2013-11-13

“Is it possible to combine the ability to log into several social networks at the same time in one application?” - There is. And quite often used.

“In what order should I start, where to go, what to read?” For iOS development - Object C + Cocoa / Qt + C++. I heard that they write in other languages, but these are the most common.

Android - SDL + C++ / Java / Qt. I was not particularly interested in Androyd, I could be wrong.

WEBIVAN, 2013-11-13

Decide for a start under which platforms you will write. Then decide on the tools, you can learn development languages ​​for each individual platform, which requires more resources, but results in faster and often better proposals. On the other hand, you can write cross-platform right away, here look towards Phonegap, Adobe Air, Delphi and other

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