JackShcherbakov2018-04-30 22:35:02
Web development
JackShcherbakov, 2018-04-30 22:35:02

cpanel. Why is the site not available on the Internet?

Hello colleagues! I recently encountered the following problem:
2 days ago I bought the websitebuilder.su domain. The instructions (which I was given by the domain selling company) said that the site would be up and running when the distribution period, which lasts 48 hours, was over. Those 48 hours have already passed, but the site is still available. I asked them a question, but they have not answered me for quite some time. All site files are in the public_html directory, as they should be. What's the matter?
Many thanks in advance to everyone who helps

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1 answer(s)
Orkhan Hasanli, 2018-05-01

1) Check the DNS for this domain. It is necessary that the domain be linked to your hosting
2) If this is the only (main) domain, then its files should be located in public_html 3 )
Do not forget about the local cache websitebuilder.su domain in the hosts file (with admin rights) and this will solve the problem (sometimes the cache just does not have time to update) there are many possible versions ...

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