samatron2018-08-29 23:15:36
Web development
samatron, 2018-08-29 23:15:36

Codewars, I'm having trouble loading this page, what should I do?

Good day, I could not go to codewars, something was loading a little then, oops, there were problems loading this page. Registered via phone. I managed to log in from the computer, solved 5 problems, the problem returned when I clicked on Kata. Can anyone come across what the problem may be, and how to solve it.
ps I tried to go from the opera, everything is the same.

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2 answer(s)
Worgen, 2018-08-30

Try with a VPN.

Vladislav Lyskov, 2018-08-30

the same crap for about a year, the norms come with ie and eja

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