eliah_lakhin2012-08-05 21:59:03
eliah_lakhin, 2012-08-05 21:59:03

Choose a code editor?

Dear colleagues, please explain what are the pros and cons of the following editors (in comparison with each other):

  • IntelliJ Idea
  • Sumblime Text 2
  • vim
  • emacs

I have worked a lot with IntelliJ Idea. The other two only occasionally glimpsed. Somehow it seemed to me that everything that is in the other two seems to be in the Idea, and even out of the box.
I am interested in order to understand whether it is worth studying something else. Well, or, at least, what am I potentially missing?

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7 answer(s)
mr_idiot, 2012-08-05

Idea is as convenient as an IDE. A huge number of features out of the box, no need to spend time on learning (mouse operation, functional GUI), there is practically no need to finish it for yourself.
Sublime is a great minimalistic design, easy to write macros and plugins in python.
vim - they say, using vim, you can remove the link called “text editor” from the user-editable text chain, but learning it takes a lot of time and patience.
emacs is an alternative vim with a lot of fans. It is finished with a file and LISP scripts to an arbitrary state.

sdevalex, 2012-08-05

If only the editor, then Vim will cover absolutely everything you need and even those that you don't know about yet. Another thing is if you are heavily dependent on IDE features ... Vim has problems with this, it depends on the language.

burjui, 2012-08-05

Sublime Text 2
Didn't use it for long. All in all, not a bad editor, but worth the money. On Habré they love him very much .
I use it in the terminal. Syntax highlighting for a bunch of languages, Ctrl+N padding (there is ctags support for C and C++). Some use it for entire projects, but I think it's masochistic. Vim is best suited for quick, small edits.
_ there is a bunch of geiser + quack for integration with Racket. An unrealistically powerful editor that can be extended by adding EmacsLisp code. Stuffed with a bunch of modes for working with different languages, tables, e-mail, etc. But there is one “but”: it is for people with a good memory for hotkeys - absolutely everything is tied to them, and there are a lot of hotkeys there.
In my opinion, the most reasonable compromise between an IDE and a simple editor: syntax highlighting, color schemes, auto-completion, primitive support for projects and builds through make, plugins for a bunch of everything (including a simple plugin for version control systems), symbol browser ( functions, variables, classes, etc.). Supports a bunch of AP. I think not too far behind Sublime Text 2, but open and free. I mainly use it (now I am coding a project in D).
In general, I would recommend Geany as a functional but lightweight programming editor. For large projects and any kind of refucktoring, IntelliJ Idea is probably better (:

Vampiro, 2012-08-05

Here you have already chewed everything, but still. You didn't cover the main thing in the question: what do you want from the program you choose. After all, like girls, each of them has its own advantages and, what to hide, disadvantages ...
Wim loads almost instantly. There are almost everywhere. Allows you to quickly fix a trifle and immediately see the result. Something like notepad.exe for unix only. I would recommend not to get hung up on this editor, but to learn it at the level of " use only it to edit configs / files on the server through the console ". It is somewhat inconvenient for GUIs like me, for whom it is easier to run mc and edit what is needed there. But I force myself. Not everywhere is mc.
Sublimine has replaced notepad in my house on all computers / laptops / virtual machines with Windows. It loads longer than notepad (and even notepad++), but faster than IDE. Supports almost all formats and encodings. History, projects, and does not forget to open those files that were open in it at the time of closing. In fact, for me, this is a " under-IDE ". When I quickly correct something after a phone call, pausing Ural Pelmeni.
Something like this. A modern IDE for me is a program that you can run to code/debug/monitor/update and do a bunch of other things. At the same time, the IDE should not send you to Google for a plugin for every new sneeze :)

v_prom, 2014-03-21

vim. the fact that the level of entry is high is nonsense. You can get used to the modes in a couple of hours. enough fine-tuning and connecting plugins for about a week - you will become very comfortable in it, and then over time you will stumble upon new configuration files and take from there what you like, install new plugins and so on, and it will get better and better . + you can write your plugins for many things over time. But back to the original thought - read the list of commands on the wiki or in the vim manual and you should be able to use it without problems.

google_fan, 2012-08-06

If you are not going to write in Java, c # or c ++, then take vim or emacs (the choice depends on which editor guru you have at hand) - all other editors after them are a miserable semblance of a left hand. Disable there buttons with arrows, home, end and generally everything to the right of enter, after which you start writing all the code only in vim. After a month, you understand what you need and find plugins for this.
In a year or two, I guarantee you will install that chrome plugin (by the way, it’s so-so, but pentadactil + firefox is a force, I keep FF only because of this), and look for ways to tie vim to your skype, jabber client, mail, put it on your smartphone, and so on.

Serge Tkach, 2017-07-14

Why has no one mentioned NetBeans?

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