XenK2015-10-07 11:43:36
XenK, 2015-10-07 11:43:36

Choice of PHP framework?

I want to make a mini-online store with basic functionality. The question arose about choosing a simple, not complex PHP framework. I looked in the direction of laraval, but it seemed too cumbersome. Which one would you recommend to use for this task? I would also like a simple work with AJAX'om.

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9 answer(s)
Mikhail Osher, 2015-10-07

There is no concept of "cumbersome" framework. They seem bulky.
The main thing is to write the code correctly. And everything will work quickly.
Laravel and Symfony (written in alphabetical order) are your friends. Don't be afraid of them.

tigra, 2015-10-07

but I think this is purely subjective opinion)

Alex Wells, 2015-10-07

CodeIgniter in no way. This is already forgotten and, against the background of other projects, not at all convenient and flabby framework. Symfony is possible, although I did not use it. Yii is too complicated for me. Yii is more like plain php, laravel has done everything instead of you. For me personally, this is just an ideal, I don’t even want to reinvent the wheel. Look at the documentation of Lumen (a mini-framework from the developer of Laravel) and then compare with Yii and decide. Others may not even look. And working with Ajax is always the same, on all frameworks.

CreatureMyst, 2015-10-07

Don't listen to the guys at CodeIgniter. It will allow you to quickly make a small project, but when scaling it will be easier to rewrite it again, because the framework is completely rotten. Take Symfony and an intelligent engineer.

coderisimo, 2015-10-07

IMHO, it's better to take special tools so as not to reinvent the wheel:
Woocommerce, OpenCart, Magento - in order of complexity.

jaxel, 2015-10-08

Get Symfony 2. There is nothing better now. It may be difficult at first, but in the end, the effort spent on learning it will pay off.

Stanislav Pochepko, 2015-10-07

If specific functionality is not required, then take CMS. For example, opencart

dmitriy, 2015-10-07

if a simple frame then CodeIgniter is just right

semki096, 2017-01-04

I also read - do not take Kodignayter take Symphony. I put Symphony - an empty page is generated 10 times longer. So in the end I decided to work with Codeigniter4. Everything is quick and easy, a little longer but quieter you go further.

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