Yarosh8412019-07-23 16:42:45
Computer networks
Yarosh841, 2019-07-23 16:42:45

Choice l2 switch?

Which switch to choose for an enterprise network?
The main requirements are 48 gigabit ethernet ports, 2 or 4 sfp, the ability to raise two networks 192.168.x.x and 10.1.x.x, as I understand vlan, all l2 switches can do it. Port security will not be superfluous.
Easier setup than cisco, juniper.

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2 answer(s)
beerchaser, 2019-07-23

It depends on the budget, on the task and on many but... In connection with import substitution, you can look at MES2348. If from the budget - some SNR-S2985G-48 or DSG-1210-52. By setting - I agree with ky0 - only unmanaged ones are easier ....

ky0, 2019-07-23

Where is it easier than a catalyst? Is it possible to hire Enikeya ...

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