Alexander Barmin2011-11-14 06:41:37
Text analysis
Alexander Barmin, 2011-11-14 06:41:37

Checking text for plagiarism?

Good afternoon, Habr!
Suggest a desktop or web application that would check the text for plagiarism. Services like anti-plagiarism.ru are not suitable for the reason that they check the text against the database, which contains texts of different topics.
I want to form a database of thematic texts myself, according to which I will check for plagiarism.

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13 answer(s)
Alexander Barmin, 2011-11-15

It turned out that I googled in the wrong direction))) At the request “batch comparison of texts”, a bunch of what you need falls out. Thank you all for your help!
If suddenly anyone becomes interested, a link to a list of software for linguistic analysis.

girichev, 2011-11-14

I didn’t quite understand, maybe advego.ru/plagiatus/

Kirill Mamaev, 2011-11-14

Thousands of rewriters are improving in this difficult task, and you just want to take it and detect plagiarism.

Gribozavr, 2011-11-14

You are not solving the problem. In other words, you put out fires when you need to find those who set fire.
In order not to pass diplomas ten years ago, it is necessary to approve topics that are relevant and necessary today and now. And do not give topics ten years ago. You spend the work of students incomprehensibly on what, when students in the process of writing a diploma could help solve a real problem and be useful.

reno, 2011-11-14

There are several options for checking, here are 2 of the simplest ones:
1. Throw a random piece of text (you will need to decide on the size of the piece yourself) in quotes and look at the search results, namely 100% th coincidence.
2. If there is an assumption that the text consists of pieces of other people's work, then the simplest, but not very reliable way is to count the number of words in each sentence, calculate the arithmetic mean of each paragraph, and if there is a large deviation from the mean in one of the paragraphs, then this piece is presumably stolen, then we check it according to point No. 1.
In general, there are magicalmathematical methods for checking the style of the author’s presentation (although it was a long time ago and I don’t remember the name right off the bat), if the style changes dramatically from chapter to chapter, from paragraph to paragraph, from sentence to sentence, then we can assume that the text is a monster Frankenstein pieces of other people's work.
I hope that some of the above will help you in your search for truth and copyright.

Pavel, 2011-11-14

Checking the uniqueness of the text on the sites.
Advego Plagiatus — free
Yazzle: you can check many texts at once

anmipo, 2011-11-14

Not exactly an anti-plagiarism tool, but a concordancer might help . There are desktop versions that index a bunch of txt files, and then, by the entered word, show all found contexts of its use. The article on Diploma gives an example with "Eugene Onegin" as a base, and the search word "Moscow":

Moscow, Russia's daughter is loved - Ep. G7.1
As well as arrogant Moscow. — Г4XVII.14
Moscow, I was thinking about you! - G7XXXVI.12
Moscow ... how much is in this sound - G7.XXXVI.12
No, my Moscow did not go - G7.XXXVII.8
It is clear that the diploma will have to be checked using randomly selected phrases, but at least some kind of automation ...

mromanov, 2011-11-15

The antiplagiat.ru service supports the ability to create your own database of texts and search through this database. True, this is a paid feature.
Moreover, it is possible to keep the base both on their server and at home.

Alexander Barmin, 2011-11-15

Here, I found an application that does what it takes! This is not a PR, so the link is through a shortcut and not a link at all u.to/HVdOAQ

Trept, 2011-11-15

And the second article by the same author already with his system: ceur-ws.org/Vol-803/paper16.pdf

Vovicc, 2015-04-08

1 From dusk to dawn, the student has no clearance
Poor writes essays, how to get away from plagiarism!
After all, they check the work, so he breaks his head
Why is it not unique, he sits sadly, sadly,
After, having worked a little, having processed the abstract,
You get the result - 100 percent: happy, glad!
There are benefits from AntiPLAG, for students - only good!
Write to: [email protected]
Website antiplag.com.ua antiplag.ru
7 (499) 686-06-56 Russia +38 (063) 657

RomanovI, 2015-07-01

I tried, passed kursak through this system. I bypassed the Antiplagiat.ru programs, Etxt-anti-plagiarism, as they write, I wanted to make 95% out of 10%, but it turned out only 80%, most importantly, quickly and always online. Use antiplag.ru + 7 (499) 686-06-56 Russia, +38 (063) 657-99-96 Ukraine and save!

Igor Poddubny, 2018-08-28

There is an excellent option: https://antiplagiat.org/.
The resource helps to check and raise the uniqueness of any text document. Do automatic and manual rewriting.

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