Artem Nim2016-11-09 13:23:18
C++ / C#
Artem Nim, 2016-11-09 13:23:18

Checking if the file is open?

My program is running in the background. When a specific file is opened, it hides it and displays a messagebox. Help implement. (c#)

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3 answer(s)
T_y_l_e_r, 2016-11-09

dig towards winapi findwindow

AxisPod, 2016-11-11

Inter-process communication (IPC), sea mechanisms. Well, what a question, such an answer. Didn't you try to look from the outside and think, is it possible to understand something?

Alexander Kuznetsov, 2016-11-15

You can listen to whether the file is open like this: stackoverflow.com/a/21137389
Further, if you need to hide it, then, for example, you need to search for all open windows by title, for example: stackoverflow.com/a/7268375
Next, hide window, for example like this: www.go4expert.com/articles/hiding-windows-c-sharp-t973
But why?..

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