Denis Ilinykh2011-10-09 19:32:36
Character encoding
Denis Ilinykh, 2011-10-09 19:32:36

Change encoding when saving in NetBeans

I have a website encoded in cp1251, I'm making a new project in NetBeans, downloading it via FTP, and opening it. Opens normally, everything is readable. Then I save and go to the site. And the file was saved in utf-8 encoding. I reopen the file, and indeed the encoding in it has become utf-8. Correcting. I save ... anyway. saves in utf-8 encoding. Although cp1251 is written in the project settings.

How to win it? translating the project to utf-8 is not an option.

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3 answer(s)
Garg0t, 2011-10-12

You have set the project encoding to UTF-8 by default. Put windows-1251 there (Project properties -> Source files -> Encoding) and everything will be ok.

des1roer, 2015-07-23


AndreyChizh, 2011-10-10

I saw this: click
But I did not check the performance.

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