Alexander92922021-09-08 21:11:07
Alexander9292, 2021-09-08 21:11:07

CF7 + Drag and Drop Upload + Telegram - telegram doesn't skip underscore character?

There is a problem with the file location link from the drag and drop upload plugin.
The file is attached to CF7 + Telegram.

In telegrams, the path comes with a difference in the name of the folder, so it does not see the file.
The correct path is ../wp-content/uploads/ wp_dndcf7_uploads
Comes to the cart - ../wp-content/uploads/ wpdndcf7uploads I.e.
file name difference.

Checked email. there, of course, everything is in order, the file sees - it opens
It seems that the telegram itself does not skip the underscore character

How can I fix this? So that the correct link comes to the telegram

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1 answer(s)
Alexander9292, 2021-09-08

Solved, replaced the name of the generated folder Drag & Drop Uploader in the file - drag-n-drop-upload-cf7.php

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