Extrarium2016-11-18 09:00:01
Extrarium, 2016-11-18 09:00:01

Can you help me create a CPA?

All there is is money, purpose and intent.
No programming skills, no knowledge of the deep mechanisms of CPA
. Even the terms of reference cannot be compiled on their own.
Ideally, find a programmer who is ready to create an impeccable mechanism for a constant% of the project itself. - I want to do as for myself, to do for myself.
Of course, if there is none, then we can pay for the work right away, we would like to know how much and for what ... without technical specifications and the price, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to name ... or am I wrong? (They will be able to do it, but will it be adequate.)
1. How much does it cost to create a CPA?
Using the KMA example, let's say, with their own engine ... an acquaintance, at the request, left a request for freelance work, at first they offered to do it for 450 thousand rubles in 3-5 months, after some silence, the same people offered to do it for 250 thousand. What is a reasonable price in your opinion? And the deadline.
2. Is it realistic to create a world-class CPA? Working not in a specific country, but around the world? Connecting webmasters and entrepreneurs around the world. To what extent is this possible both programmatically and legally? How much can this cost? We are ready to start small, but we prefer to start as big as possible.
3. The place of the organizer of this entire project is vacant, again, for a constant% of the profit after full payback, so that he not only does it for himself, but also saves expenses. (Scammers in the woods, no one will give money to their hands, authorized persons will deal with expenditure transactions.)
In priority, for people to act for% of the company's profit, I want it to be a single team that puts its soul into the project, which is the Soul of the Project .
If this does not work out, then we can agree as it is customary. Chairs in the morning, money in the evening.
What size %?
Exactly such that everyone gets an order of magnitude more than the amount of labor invested by him is worth on the market.
We want people to enjoy working with us.
Who can help?
Tips, recommendations, assistance in drawing up TOR, sorting out the business on the shelves, showing all the depth, all expenses, business plan, and everything else that is needed here.
For those who are not ready to help free of charge, it is more correct to ask "who can help with what and what does he want for it?"
What language to write CPA in? - We don't know which one is better, and by the way, help us decide which one is better...
For tête-à-tête: [email protected] — indicate the subject of the letter.

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3 answer(s)
Dmitry Entelis, 2016-11-18

bnytiki wrote everything well, I can add the following:
1) The technical implementation of any serious project begins with the hiring of a CTO - this is the person who determines the technology stack, hires the first performers, etc. Without this, you will make a bunch of mistakes from the choice of performers to implementation.
Correct motivation: market salary (5-10k in current realities for a startup) + an option for a company's share when indicators are achieved.
2) After reading the phrase

Who can help?
Tips, recommendations, assistance in drawing up TOR, sorting out the business on the shelves showing all the depth, all expenses, business plan, and everything else that is needed here

The question arises - what exactly do you invest in the project from your side besides money ?
The value of money is low, the round with MVP can be raised for 10-15% easily.
In addition, if you have a question in the style of "I have NNN money, I want people to create a CPA network" - it will not take off in any case, even if you are looking for people not for % but for a market fix.
For the project to take off, it must either have clearly understandable advantages from the existing ones (a good post by Moreinis the other day https://www.facebook.com/amoreynis/posts/101537971... ), or a LOT of money for marketing.
If there is not a LOT of money, and the advantages of the project are not formulated - by God, it’s better not to even start.
3) Maybe I'm already nitpicking, but the phrases
do not fit well together, NL.
Immediately there is a feeling that every step you take will be checked and justified - it makes sense to go to work with people who do not trust you.
4) Again about motivation:
The place of the organizer of this entire project is vacant, again, for a constant% of profit after full payback
. What is the size of%?
Exactly such that everyone gets an order of magnitude more than the amount of labor invested by him is worth on the market.Well, this is such a canonical phrase (again, NL) that it boils with me right away.
a) Any competent specialist has a choice: go to work in a startup for X money, or go to work in a large corporation for 2*X money. They go to a startup for the opportunity to stand at the origins - because if a startup takes off - the people who created it in most cases begin to receive 5 * X simply because they have unique competencies about the mechanisms of this project.
b) You are confusing % profit and % company. The share in the company is a means of retaining key performers (eg work with us for 3 years without any complaints and you will receive 10% of the company). Share in profits - can serve as a BONUS for salespeople, etc. - but by no means the main part of their salary.
c) In the context of the rise of new rounds - even the operating payback can come in 20 years, I generally keep quiet about the full payback (return on investment). Uber, Amazon are all valued in the billions and all are operating unprofitable.

bnytiki, 2016-11-18

For % of the project - a very bad idea. You just need to hire.
Programmers are spoiled for money these days. Good programmers are especially spoiled.
Why would someone work for a pie in the sky, although right now he has a lot of tits worth thousands of dollars a month.
1. All sorts of junior students (novice programmers who don’t have money yet) will go to you for%, or just lazy losers (now only lazy people can’t make money with programming).
2. But these people are simply lovers of easy money, who have no idea how long the project will take and what they will need to eat during this time.
Yes Yes Yes. A person who works for a percentage for tomorrow still needs to eat today.
If he is not a cool specialist, then in order to eat, he needs to spend a lot of time IN ADDITION to your project to earn money for food-apartment-clothes.
And in a large project, you will need to contact specialists of DIFFERENT specializations.
Making a good server is one specialty.
Frontend is different.
If you need for mobile phones - the third specialization.
Both the Swiss and the reaper, and at the game the dude who "can do it all at the same time" - he does all this mediocrely.
Having invited, for example, a good server worker for a percentage, you will not be able to get rid of him and you will have to make him do both front-end and for mobile phones, and he will do it poorly and of poor quality, since this is not his specialty.
The technical part of a powerful CPA is not an easy task, but quite lifting.
1. How much does it cost to create a CPA?
Using the KMA example, let's say, with their own engine ... an acquaintance, at the request, left a request for freelance work, at first they offered to do it for 450 thousand rubles in 3-5 months, after some silence, the same people offered to do it for 250 thousand. What is a reasonable price in your opinion? And the deadline.
2. Is it realistic to create a world-class CPA? Working not in a specific country, but around the world? Connecting webmasters and entrepreneurs around the world. To what extent is this possible both programmatically and legally? How much can this cost? We are ready to start small, but we prefer to start as big as possible.
From 100,000 rubles to 10 million rubles.
You did not describe the expected load,
nor the required analytics / management / configuration options, the
degree of automation of routine activities,
nor the scope of the system - mobile phones and / or the web.
What size %?
Exactly such that everyone gets an order of magnitude more than the amount of labor invested by him is worth on the market.
We want people to enjoy working with us.
Well, for example, for a programmer who will do everything, it can be:
a) salary today (so that he has something to eat so that he is not distracted from the project for part-time jobs).
b) + the future percentage is about 40-60, if you really want to hang all the technical part on it, there really is a lot of work if you do everything wisely.
This is not your question.
The case of a specific designer of the technical part.
And yet, in addition to paying for the work, you will have decent costs for maintaining servers.
And a poorly designed/engineered system will make you pay substantially more for servers and/or create big problems as your customer base grows.

Rurik Rostislavich, 2016-11-18

I wouldn't write bicycles if I were you.
There are many sets of ready-made scripts, both licensed and self-written.
Go through the forums, I myself monitor the relevance of the Post Affiliate Pro that interests me.
Find an option, install, configure and work.
Have you thought about how you will work? Where to get traffic from, where to get advertisers in the first stages of the project?

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