VicTHOR2019-04-25 18:07:06
Visual Studio Code
VicTHOR, 2019-04-25 18:07:06

Can VSCode help me find where a property is defined or something like that?

You need to find, say, from the entire directory of a huge site on Bitrix, where some DETAIL_TEXT is set, or a div with a class where it is described ...
You have to manually sort through each file in huge modules with redirects to author folders, etc. via ctrl+F ..
If it is better not to do a search, so at least the highlighting is normal when it is found, can it be organized somehow? And then when he finds it, he simply writes that there are matches in the corner where the search is ..

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1 answer(s)
Alexander Lichtenstein, 2019-04-25

How many I use the program did not notice such a function.

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