Road2Moscow2019-03-14 16:27:12
Road2Moscow, 2019-03-14 16:27:12

Can Visual Studio Code misinterpret code?

I'm taking an online JS course from htmlacademy. Got a task. I solved it in VSC, but the solution was not tested in the online course. I started comparing and saw that when the value of the variable days = 25, the result 1400 is displayed in the VSC console. And in the console of any other editors, the answer is 200. Why is this happening?

var days = 25; // Дней в периоде
var period = 3; // Как часто я ем протеин (раз в три дня)
var workDayAmount = 200; // Количество протеина в будние
var weekendAmount = 100; // Количество протеина в выходные
var total = 0;

// мы вводим проверку, делится ли numberOfDays на 3 без остатка. если да, то кормим кота.

for(var name = 1, numberOfDays = 1; numberOfDays <= days; name++, numberOfDays++) //what day is it today?
    if (numberOfDays%3 === 0)
       if (name >= 1 && name <= 5) //today is workday
           total = total + workDayAmount;
       if (name === 6) //today is weekend
           total = total + weekendAmount;
       if (name === 7) //today is weekend
          total = total + weekendAmount;
          name = 0;
            if (name === 7)
                name = 0;




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1 answer(s)
Vladimir Proskurin, 2019-03-14

The problem is not in VS Code, but in the runtime, and in your name variable. because you are executing your code in a global context (yes, variables are not defined in their scope in a loop), then you are trying to redefine the window.name variable, which is not redefinable and equal to a string, from which you get a mess in your code. Change the name of the variable, or use let instead of var

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