kl2018-02-01 07:05:36
network hardware
kl, 2018-02-01 07:05:36

Can't connect via ftp, failure... why is this happening?

Good afternoon, I applied to the hosting.
Carried out tracing

порт ip
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.16299.125]
© Корпорация Майкрософт (Microsoft Corporation), 2017. Все права защищены.

C:\Users\User>ping site -n 10

Обмен пакетами с site [ip] с 32 байтами данных:
Ответ от ip: число байт=32 время=13мс TTL=59
Ответ от ip: число байт=32 время=13мс TTL=59
Ответ от ip: число байт=32 время=14мс TTL=59
Ответ от ip: число байт=32 время=13мс TTL=59
Ответ от ip: число байт=32 время=13мс TTL=59
Ответ от ip: число байт=32 время=14мс TTL=59
Ответ от ip: число байт=32 время=13мс TTL=59
Ответ от ip: число байт=32 время=14мс TTL=59
Ответ от ip: число байт=32 время=13мс TTL=59
Ответ от ip: число байт=32 время=13мс TTL=59

Статистика Ping для ip:
Пакетов: отправлено = 10, получено = 10, потеряно = 0
(0% потерь)
Приблизительное время приема-передачи в мс:
Минимальное = 13мсек, Максимальное = 14 мсек, Среднее = 13 мсек

C:\Users\User>tracert site

Трассировка маршрута к сайт
с максимальным числом прыжков 30:

1 1 ms <1 мс 1 ms router [ip]
2 * * * Превышен интервал ожидания для запроса.

I was told that the problem is
1. blocking the ftp connection by the firewall (firewall) or antivirus of your computer.
2.problems on the side of intermediate nodes (between our server and your computer).
The first, I think, disappears ... But the second problem is solved by rebooting the router (off / on the router). But you have to do this all the time, several times a day, how to fix the problem?
connect via winscp

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5 answer(s)
Grims, 2018-02-01

To your 2nd question, when there are problems with the connection, check if there are any losses on intermediate hosts to your FTP server. In the output 0% - no loss.

C:\Users\Mr.Intel>pathping ya.ru
Трассировка маршрута к ya.ru []
с максимальным числом переходов 30:
  0  Intel [192.168.x.xxx]
  1  192.168.x.x
  2  broadband-46-188-14-1.2com.net []
  3  juni-vl-187-ecmp-m9.setel.ru []
  5  korova-xe-1-3-0.yndx.net []
  6  m9-p1-be3.yndx.net []
  7     *        *        *
Подсчет статистики за: 150 сек. ...
           Исходный узел     Маршрутный узел
Прыжок  RTT   Утер./Отпр.   %   Утер./Отпр.  %   Адрес
  0                                           Intel [192.168.x.xxx]
                                0/ 100 =  0%   |
  1    0мс     0/ 100 =  0%     0/ 100 =  0%  192.168.x.x
                                0/ 100 =  0%   |
  2    1мс     0/ 100 =  0%     0/ 100 =  0%  broadband-46-188-14-1.2com.net []
                                0/ 100 =  0%   |
  3    1мс     0/ 100 =  0%     0/ 100 =  0%  juni-vl-187-ecmp-m9.setel.ru []
                                0/ 100 =  0%   |
  4    7мс     0/ 100 =  0%     0/ 100 =  0%
                                0/ 100 =  0%   |
  5    3мс     0/ 100 =  0%     0/ 100 =  0%  korova-xe-1-3-0.yndx.net []
                                1/ 100 =  1%   |
  6    3мс     1/ 100 =  1%     0/ 100 =  0%  m9-p1-be3.yndx.net []

Трассировка завершена.

Gansterito, 2018-02-01

What FTP client are you using? Or from a browser open as ftp://login:[email protected]/ ?

CityCat4, 2018-02-01

Can't connect via ftp

Decide somehow already, how to connect something? FTP is FTP, WinScp is the scp windows client, part of ssh. There ports are completely different and everything is different :)

kl, 2018-02-02

C:\Users\User>pathping site.ru
Trace route to site.ru [ip]
with max 30 hops:
1 router []
3 lag-3 -438.bgw01.nn.ertelecom.ru []
4 msk-ix.ertelecom.ru []
5 msk-ix-2.servers.ru [] 6
* * *
: 125 sec. ...
Source node Route node
RTT hop Lost/Sent. % Lost/Sent % Address
0/ 100 = 0% |
1 0ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% router []
0/ 100 = 0% |
2 1ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0%
100/ 100 =100% |
3 — 100/ 100 =100% 0/ 100 = 0% lag-3-438.bgw01.nn.ertelecom.ru []
0/ 100 = 0% |
4 - 100/ 100 = 100% 0/ 100 = 0% msk-ix.ertelecom.ru []
0/ 100 = 0% |
5 - 100/ 100 =100% 0/ 100 = 0% msk-ix-2.servers.ru []
Tracing completed.
I tried FireZilla, Switching from passive to active., I tried to type ftp:// into the browser - an empty page.

ubuntor, 2018-06-22

Try telnetom to check availability of ports 20, 21 for ftp.
I also had such a nuance that I tried to connect via the winscp domain to ipv6, I decided to change the domain to the ipv4 server.

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