Chvalov2016-04-02 08:02:25
Game development
Chvalov, 2016-04-02 08:02:25

Can it be difficult to clone someone else's game or idea?

There is an old game developed by the Czechs under Win XP and iOS back in 2006, under WP, Android, this game is not there, and the company on the forum replied that it would not be for these platforms.
What difficulties can there be if their game is not completely cloned, but made a general reskin , well, on the contrary, what could be for a solid copy of the game?
And what would you do in this case?

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2 answer(s)
xmoonlight, 2016-04-02

You can release it with the same name, the most important thing in this business:
Those. really write everywhere including on the application page and in About:
Creation of the original game design: write down the real company that did the game design (from where you will get graphic scenes and design).
The author of the idea: register a real company that created the plot and mechanics of the game.
Creation of a remake of the game "XXXXXX" created by the company "YYYYYY": enter yourself.
Application design: fit yourself.
Application author: enter yourself.
In case of claims/lawsuits, you will be able to defend your right as the author of the software. If they suddenly say that this is their idea and you need to remove this software, because. it violates the rights to use the plot or graphics - replace a couple of lines of code and a couple of graphic objects, change the name (add "in Russian!") And bring the Czechs!
PS: I will add, as Yuri Ferley advised , that the surest option is to formalize everything legally.

gorodok, 2016-04-02

there will be no problems, a vivid example of this is the epic with DotA and World War II, if you do not take any resources from the old game, then there will be no problems.

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