vasili_ii2016-12-08 19:16:40
Digital certificates
vasili_ii, 2016-12-08 19:16:40

Can I get a free wildcard certificate on letsencrypt?

Actually, there is a task to transfer the site to https.
Interested in a free ssl certificate. I read it, letscenctypt is suitable.
The problem is that some of the statics (images) are on a separate subdomain (and a separate provider that provides cloud storage and cdn services - there is no ssh and panel, only its own api).
Read here about the problems that will arise when using mixed sources on the site. Actually, I would like to bypass.

Now back to the original question: is it possible to get a free wildcard certificate in letsencrypt. If yes, what is the procedure. If not, please tell me the possible options in my situation.

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5 answer(s)
Ilya Evseev, 2016-12-10

1) You can create many names in one certificate, but after that you will have to give the provider a key and a certificate so that it can serve subdomain.example.com
Therefore, it is better to order a certificate for the subdomain and a certificate for everything else separately.
2) First you need to make sure that the CDN generally provides customers with the opportunity to upload their own certificates and keys (for expensive tariffs, for sure, yes, for free, for sure not).
3) Of the LetsEncrypt clients, acme.sh is the most convenient

ky0, 2016-12-08

No, LE only issues certificates for a finite number of domains. Some CDNs provide free certificates, CloudFlare for example. Maybe yours has one too? Otherwise, you will probably have to put your pictures somewhere else.

Dmitry Belyaev, 2016-12-09

LE can issue a single certificate for 1 domain and 10 of its subdomains
In addition, LE issues a certificate of the lowest level, which only confirms ownership of the domain

vasili_ii, 2016-12-09

the sertbot site has this example:
$ ./path/to/certbot-auto certonly --webroot -w /var/www/example -d example.com -d www.example.com -w /var/www/thing - d thing.is -d m.thing.is
Can I get a certificate for a domain and subdomain with this command:
$ ./path/to/certbot-auto certonly --webroot -w /var/www/example -d example.com -d subdomain.example.com
Assuming that subdomain.example.com is now configured in DNS to cdn-provider?

DimentR, 2017-08-04

LE write about January 2018

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