akgndkut2015-10-01 01:42:24
Domain name market
akgndkut, 2015-10-01 01:42:24

Can domain renewal cost more than registration?

Hello, is it possible that I registered a domain for a hundred rubles, and now the renewal costs 700 rubles? Their purchase of a domain on ru costs 199 rubles, and the renewal is 700 rubles, is this not a hoax?

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9 answer(s)
Artyom, 2015-10-01

In reg.ru, a domain in ru costs 199 rubles, and renewal costs 749 rubles. In 2domains, a domain on ru costs 99 rubles, and renewal has already been 299 rubles for some time now

Rafis Bagautdinov, 2016-10-28

How I transferred my domains to another registrar and renewed 2 domains not for 800 rubles, but for 200.
Now in 2domains the cost of renewal is 399 rubles, the renewal of 2 domains for 798 rubles was not at all pleasing.
As a result, I transferred it to regname24.ru, where the cost of renewal is also 99 rubles.
One domain has already expired, but it has not yet been released (a month has not passed), there were 4 days left until the end of the registration of another domain.
regname24.ru is a reseller of 2domains, you need to write to 2domains so that they transfer the domains to regname24.ru, then write a letter to regname24.ru and the domains will appear.
If you do not want to transfer domains, you need to write according to the instructions on transferring domains to reg.ru, there you need to print it out, fill it out with a pen, send scans of this application (without a notary) and a copy of your passport.
If you ask.
Thus, I saved 600 rubles.
I use Radiushost hosting, I am also satisfied, the cost per year is only 950 rubles. I was looking for cheaper, but they are all somehow not the same, if cheaper.

Daemon23RUS, 2015-10-01

These are the terms of service. But in fact this is not a hoax - this is a robbery in broad daylight !!!
PS Due to the fact that the time for domain renewal is coming up for me, I wondered about transferring domains to another registrar. And here is the quest habrahabr.ru/post/87220
googled The prices indicated in the article are already outdated, but the whole path is correct.

Mark Rosenthal, 2015-10-01

If the domain was snatched kosher, it is better to spend money. 799 rubles, of course, is a lot of money, but you never know if they steal it in front of your nose.
I did this, for example.

OnYourLips, 2015-10-01

Transfer your domain to another registrar. I took domains away from godaddy.

Mikhail Lyalin, 2015-10-01

1/ common practice - free domain for a year when paying for hosting from 6 months.
2/ usually the cost depends on the domain zone, but the practice is this - registration and the first year of support are more expensive than the annual registration renewal

Dmitry, 2015-10-01

In the ru zone, the domain costs 119 rubles, and the renewal is 149
If there are more than 15 domains on the account, then the prices are 97 / 138

Matvey Rumynin, 2018-10-05

There is even free ;-)
This is all the usual advertising lure. As a rule, the renewal will be slightly overpriced to compensate for this advertising. Sometimes it’s funny, like registering for 50 rubles, and 5000 renewals.
As it’s warming up, the entrance is a ruble, and the exit is two ... Carefully read the rules for transfers, so that later you can go to normal registrars with low prices. They, as a rule, rarely suffer from advertising.

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