Clazzer1232019-07-18 12:49:35
Clazzer123, 2019-07-18 12:49:35

Can anyone explain the definitions?

Can anyone explain with an example what is an attribute, an instance of a class, a method, an object?

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2 answer(s)
Gomonov, 2019-07-18

class Car:
    max_speed = ''  # атрибут от же свойство свойство

    def ride(self, speed, distance):  # метод
        self.distance = distance
        self.speed = speed

car = Car()  # объект, он же экземпляр класса
car.max_speed = 120

To understand: an object is a noun, a method is a verb (what an object can do), properties are adjectives that describe a noun, i.e. an object

Dmitry Arushanov, 2019-07-18

class A {
   public $name =  123 ; // Атрибут класса 

   public function sayMyName() { // метод
     echo $this->name;

$a = new A(); // $a экземпляр класса

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