ctocopok2014-11-27 16:05:12
ctocopok, 2014-11-27 16:05:12

Can a laser pointer damage a traffic camera - a speed recorder?

Actually, all question in a subject also was located.
There are different laser pointers from the Chinese brothers, and they are different in price, and in power.
There are a lot of videos on YouTube where concert lasers spoil cameras' matrices.
So the question is, is it possible to effortlessly, by shining a road camera that monitors traffic and measures speed, spoil it?

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3 answer(s)
azShoo, 2014-11-27

Just stop violating traffic rules, and the camera will miraculously stop functioning. :)

Spetros, 2014-11-27

Pointer - no, the power is not enough.

lasersru, 2015-06-11

In my opinion, it is possible. Only you need a powerful laser pointer, for example, 3000mW

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