reizer_12022-02-26 12:20:45
reizer_1, 2022-02-26 12:20:45

Calling your function in aiogram?

I know how to call a function from a function, but I'm a little confused in aiogram. There is a repeating code:

await message.answer('Вы можете написать нашему менеджеру @........  ', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove())
   await state.finish()

I wanted to implement it by placing an example in a separate function, but I don’t know what to pass as arguments in order for message.answer to work correctly:
async def help_fun(??????????????):
               await message.answer('Вы можете написать нашему менеджеру @.........  ', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove())
               await state.finish()

In the code itself, the function is called like this and something must also be passed as an argument:
async def var_tea(message : types.Message, state: FSMContext):
        if message.text == '/help':

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1 answer(s)
Pavel Shvedov, 2022-02-26

if no parameters are needed inside the function, then nothing needs to be passed

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