Egor Aristov2021-10-31 10:08:42
IT education
Egor Aristov, 2021-10-31 10:08:42

C# What courses/video tutorials would you recommend for a beginner?

For quite a long time now I have been choosing my own path in learning a programming language.
After watching many different videos on YouTube, reading articles on the Internet, I settled on a choice between Java / Swift / C # languages. Next, I came across a description of the profession of a game developer on the Unity engine. let's study this direction more deeply, I realized that this is mine.
Now my profession has nothing to do with IT - I work in the financial sector.
My goal is to learn a programming language to create my own games and at the same time get a job in an IT company or a game development company to gain experience in this field.
I would like to get an answer to the question: where to start / what courses can you recommend (for example, to learn the Java language, I found a very cool JavaRush course) / what video tutorials can competently bring a beginner up to date?
And is it also possible to learn C# on your own from the documentation on the Microsoft website, or will it be quite difficult and you need some kind of knowledge base for this?

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8 answer(s)
Hanneman, 2021-10-31

None. Take the book, and only on it.

Alexander, 2021-10-31

For example , if the full 0.
And there are a lot of them on youtube.

Uncle Bogdan, 2021-10-31

There is a free and normal course on C # from ULearn
The tags for the question contain the tag "Game Development" and I can assume that you will make games on Unity.
There are normal Unity lessons on the Unity off site.
There are channels on YouTube, but here you need to be careful (90% shitcode) and therefore here are a few channels:
Xach C#
Emerald powder
Roman Sakutin
Maxim Kryukov

alexbprofit, 2021-10-31

I can advise Sakutin if by Unity :)

LittleBob, 2021-10-31

The best and most effective thing is to come up with some idea for a game and start implementing it. Or try to repeat some popular projects. While you search and understand all this, you will absorb a lot of knowledge. YouTube, forums, documentation.

Mark Cesium, 2021-11-02

On YouTube, a pretty cool course is released by Simple Code. If you are completely zero in C #, this course can help you gain initial knowledge.

Ilya_malet, 2021-11-02

The best and most informative course on C #, in my opinion, ITVDN, I studied them myself, they teach you to write good code very informatively and clearly and instill good habits, you won’t find much on YouTube, except for the channels: Roman Sakutin, Maxim Kryukov and Emerald Powder , they more or less write quality code. As for Unity courses, it's more complicated. I watched courses from Roman Sakutin, they still have good code, but I still have to look at the documentation and forums.

dmitryshka, 2021-11-15

Druzhban learned C# at the EasyUM Game Development course. He said it was cool, he liked it. I googled, here is a link to this course it.easyum.ru/courses/unity-3d-game-dev/

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