JuniorDeveloper2015-04-23 12:07:13
JuniorDeveloper, 2015-04-23 12:07:13

C#/Python/Node.js for social game server, what to choose?

Hello, I need to select a language for server-side development of a social game for Facebook. As a requirement: provide the ability to scale, withstand heavy loads, reliability, etc. At the moment it is supposed to use C#, Python, Node.js. Initially, Erlang was considered, and since. there are not many specialists, then the "Bus factor" is quite large. What language/technology can provide the best solution?

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6 answer(s)
Barada, 2015-04-23

Doesn't matter. Top 10 technologies. Everything is fast, everything is scalable, everything is reliable. If the hands of the virgins grow from their shoulders.

Anton Petrov, 2015-04-23


Artem Kustikov, 2015-05-06

C# under Windows hosting is an expensive option, under Linux - just a perversion. And very slow compared to other options: https://www.techempower.com/benchmarks/#section=data-r9
Dotnet has a strictly limited scope (I write as a dotnet developer with 10 years of experience) - business systems with integration of various business software and binding to Azure/MS SQL. High-load is never his sphere.
Java/node/C++/Python/Ruby will suit your purposes much better.

lPolar, 2015-04-23

You can also use java/scala.

raiboon, 2015-04-23

"scaling, handling heavy loads, reliability, etc" depends on the curvature of your hands, not the language.
Because ask a question, then you are dummies. Since teapots are few resources. I recommend that the server be written on the same basis as the client part, in order to use the code as much as possible both there and there. Unity ->c#, js -> js. If it's flash, it's not that hard to port it to haxe. Etc.

yorick_kiev_ua, 2015-04-30

In general, the answer is: the better you own, then take it.

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