dvakarandasha2018-03-03 22:54:30
Google Maps
dvakarandasha, 2018-03-03 22:54:30

Buttons are not pressed on Google Maps. What could be the problem?

Guys, we are doing a social project about stray cats.
The problem with labels on cards
is the map itself - catsguide.games2people.com/places/?showas=minimal
Click on any label that we added - a pop-up window opens.
We click on the "More info" button - and nothing happens, it does not go to the page of the object itself.
Moreover, I noticed such a bug, if under the More info button on the map there is some object from the Google map, but the button is pressed and goes to the page. Here I tried to draw on the screenshot what I mean: https://yadi.sk/i/vXS1f-3I3SyaTS
How to be, how to fix it?

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