Vitalik2016-06-26 10:50:32
Vitalik, 2016-06-26 10:50:32

But what if, when you turn on the computer, he will understand what to run and at what time?

You turn on the computer and it is convenient, for example, when your browser starts right away.
And if you need to start a video news channel for today.
What is the software or hardware solution?
Is it possible to make for example 3 power buttons? One computer turns on and the radio starts, the second video with news, and for example, a child presses a yellow-bright one and the computer turns on with his favorite cartoon channel. Comfortable, I was comfortable, and you? There is a solution?
But what if you write a program that by time (Morning, afternoon, evening or by the hour) launches the desired browser page or program when you turn on the computer?
For example: I get up at 7 am, turn on the computer and go to make coffee, the computer launches this application at startup, it looks - yeah, 7 am 10 minutes (she has a browser launch from 7 to 8 with a link) and starts me a news video with a timeout in 10 seconds (a sign with a countdown that such and such a page will be launched in the browser).
And if a child gets up at 9, then the program launches a page with cartoons. Etc.
Convenient for those whose PC is not always on.
Z.s. You can also check the weather in the morning and display it in the popup in the corner, but again, only show the weather in the morning and do not disturb it in the afternoon and evening.
Is there something similar? If you write such an application, do you need it?

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3 answer(s)
weranda, 2016-06-26

There is a solution - three different computers, three different operating systems, three different accounts, three files on the desktop with the necessary commands to launch programs, three programmed buttons on the keyboard, and much, much more.
And you can, as Comrade Stalin used to say: I want windows to be opened with the mouse and icons on the desktop were different;)
Vitalik Strange question for someone who "13 years in html, wml, php, javascript".

Yuri Chudnovsky, 2016-06-26

nncron has a powerful enough logic that makes it all easy to implement

abs0lut, 2016-06-26

Let's start with the operating system. Which one do you use?
This is the first.
All that you have described is fairly easy to implement using any modern general-purpose programming language.
This is the second.
Break the task into separate steps and google it. You will be happy.
This is the third.

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