Anton2015-03-11 09:45:39
Anton, 2015-03-11 09:45:39

Bug. Smarty caches templates from PHPStorm. How to be?

The second day I use PHPStorm. Before that - 7 years in notepad++
A network drive with a php application is mounted in Windows. The project in PHPStorm is configured to autoload to remote storage (on this disk) when changes are saved.
Everything worked OK yesterday. And Today - smarty "learned" to cache tpls that are edited in PHPStorm. You open tpl-ku in a notepad, you correct - everything works. And when you edit in PHPStorm, the old cached version of the template is spit out into the browser. At the same time, the file is saved to the server, and if you open it in notepad, all the changes made through PHPStorm are there. The date and size of the file also change correctly. It's some kind of magic. Help me please.
PS: other files (js, php) are NOT cached, so the problem is not in the server and Storm - the problem is in Smarty.
PS2: everything works correctly in PHPDesigner
PS3: storm version - 8.0.1 smarti version - 3

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2 answer(s)
Anton, 2015-03-11

Mystic. Came from lunch - everything works again (templates are NOT cached). The meanest problem is when there is no consistency in its reproduction ...
UPD The problem is solved this way - just clear the smart cache folder. There were several of them, so the problem was not immediately solved

Dmitry Vapelnik, 2015-03-11

It seems that Smarty does not recompile templates that you update from PhpStorm. try to play around with caching in Smarty - or just turn it off while you are developing (dev) and turn it back on when you are done and roll it out to production
production I develop only in PhpStorm (first on Windows, then on Linux; both under Windows and Linux I uploaded files via FTP, now under Linux the project is local and the folder with the project is mapped into the Docker container in which Apache runs), but with this did not encounter a problem

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