onhoric2014-05-17 19:42:36
onhoric, 2014-05-17 19:42:36

Brackets quick edit stopped working?

Writes "no quick edit available for current cursor position" when hovering over the class and pressing ctrl+E, although the styles are enabled and working. How to fix it? Downloaded without extensions did not help.

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3 answer(s)
wiliams, 2014-08-30

same situation, can anyone help us?)

Leonid Kuznetsov, 2014-11-06

+1 Doesn't work on everything. I can not understand what is connected with. + Extract stopped working normally. Instead of psd, it just shows a dotted canvas

Evgeny Sofonov, 2014-11-13

And I generally lost icons in the Brackets interface

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