m0skit2015-12-11 06:17:15
m0skit, 2015-12-11 06:17:15

Bootstrap tabs. How can I make the previously selected tab remain active when reloading the page?

Tell me how to make the previously selected tab, after reloading the page, remain active.
Thanks in advance.

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1 answer(s)
m0skit, 2015-12-13

As long as you wait for an answer, you can give birth.
Found the solution myself. Maybe someone will come in handy.
Everything is done elementary, just add a script to the page.

$(document).ready(function() {
    if(location.hash) {
        $('a[href=' + location.hash + ']').tab('show');
    $(document.body).on("click", "a[data-toggle]", function(event) {
        location.hash = this.getAttribute("href");
$(window).on('popstate', function() {
    var anchor = location.hash || $("a[data-toggle=tab]").first().attr("href");
    $('a[href=' + anchor + ']').tab('show');

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