fr33zy2015-05-05 14:35:59
mobile connection
fr33zy, 2015-05-05 14:35:59

Blocking affiliate sites?

Today I received an SMS stating that the ban on the "Internet Click" service now needs to be confirmed every 3 months (Megafon).
Parents have not been using a computer for very long, and, unfortunately, there are no other providers.
Maybe someone has already set up blocking sites with affiliate content? Is there an official list of such sites?

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2 answer(s)
Antony, 2015-05-05

Beeline (for example) has a service - a separate balance for the services of content providers. If there is no money on it, then all sorts of "services", including paid SMS, simply "are not provided".

Vladimir Martyanov, 2015-05-05

The appearance of such a list in the public domain is unlikely: any crappy affiliate program, seeing itself in it, will immediately change the domain. That is, the list will help "honest businessmen" to breed people.

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