KeterVik2018-04-17 15:52:35
C++ / C#
KeterVik, 2018-04-17 15:52:35

Benefits of C# in GameDev?

I have a wild disgust for Microsoft and everything connected with it, I can’t give an answer to the question why, because I myself don’t understand why. Now I am studying languages ​​such as C ++, Python and Lua, I have already mastered them as tools, but there is not enough practice and at the moment I am fixing it, trying all sorts of interesting engines and at the same time digging into Linux, git and various editors. So far, this is enough for me, but I often look towards Unity3D and C #. And so, in fact, the idea came to master another tool - C #, is the game worth the candle in the context of game development? What advantages does it have over other languages ​​and why is it interesting in itself? How quickly is he mastered on average and what are his prospects in the future?

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4 answer(s)
WHOAMI, 2018-04-17

C# belongs to the family of languages ​​with C-like syntax, of which its syntax is closest to C++ and Java. So you can easily master it)
- The C# programming language claims to be a true object
orientation (every language entity claims to
be an object);
- A component-oriented approach to programming, which
contributes to less machine-architectural dependence of
the resulting program code, flexibility, portability and ease
of reuse (fragments) of programs;
- Focus on code safety (compared to C and C++);
- Unified typing system;
- Extended support for event-driven
Despite its advantages, the C# language has some drawbacks, such as:
- Rather complex syntax (75% from Java, 10% from C++, 5% from
Visual Basic);
- Few fresh conceptual ideas (approximately less than
10% of language constructs);
- Relatively low performance (much slower
than C, but comparable to Java);
- Not a cross-platform language. Since C# was developed by
Microsoft, it only works under the Windows operating system, although a cross-platform version of this language
is already being developed at the moment .
(My opinion)
Unity includes a fully supported modern .NET runtime (as of 2018).
The .NET ecosystem continues to evolve to this day, improving the performance of its language.
I don't know any more prospects)

#, 2018-04-17

C# (in Unity it's a Mono dialect) - cool then, and only when you own C# (especially if you are rushing from it .. like me)
if you are more rushing from C ++ .. forget it ... dig towards unreal engine and you will have everything ... (well, or almost everything ..

xmoonlight, 2018-04-17

Support and lobbying by a major vendor, cross-platform vendor tools, "much ado about nothing": everyone knows that C# is cool (but they don't know why, and it doesn't really matter to them - the main thing is to rivet "crafts" on the market) and therefore, it is easier to get a job in a small or medium-sized mobile development gamedev studio and, as a rule, they develop on Unity in 99%.
By the way, here is the proof of paragraph 1, paragraph 1.
That is, the main goal of this venture is to save time on the project, shit product, quick income and move on to the next one (instead of doing one normally).
But in general, C# is a replanting of young people on "promising" development tools from MS and nothing more. That is, hooking on a vendor in order to "feed" him with fees for courses, etc.

And so, in fact, the idea came to master another tool - C #, is the game worth the candle in the context of game development?
If games are consumer goods for mobile, where the tool has: a cloud of plug-ins, a large community and export for all platforms, and all this should eat up the battery and work on computers with low FPS and only on top-end vidyuhi - yes.
If you need to create AAA-class games, the engines of which use resources without interlayers and maximum efficiency, then definitely not here.
If, knowing C++, you can't find here how to make a game, then I... ...then learn C#!

Konstantin, 2018-04-17

there are no advantages in creating games,
for an average level, half a year or a year,
the prospects are good, but not in game development (only units are an exception (maybe))

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