Alexey Dmitriev2015-01-13 22:37:12
Alexey Dmitriev, 2015-01-13 22:37:12

Become a programmer. From education to work?

Good afternoon. My name is Alexey. I am 20 years old. I am currently working as a freelance designer. I've only been working for six months. I know Photoshop and Illustrator. I draw small works, firm style and all that, but that's not the point. The fact is that I set myself a goal: to move to the civilized world. Mostly in Germany or Canada. But no one needs a designer without education (or with it). Therefore, I set a goal for myself - to become a programmer. Now it will soon be spring and I am at a crossroads. I ask you, dear Khabrovites, to set me on the right path.
Specifically, what I want to ask you is:
1) What is the best language for me to learn? Personally, I think it's worth moving into web development and front-end (HTML5, CSS, JS, etc.). But I also like Java and Python.
2) Should I go to college? Will they give me real knowledge there or is it easier to be self-taught (how I became a designer)? If so, can you recommend an inexpensive and good one in Moscow?
3) How are things with logic, DBMS, OOP, etc. Is it all worth learning?
4) I will be glad to hear various tips and life hacks from you.
I have no problems with English. I have already downloaded about 30 books in various languages, but I do not know where to start. Also, I know a lot of different online services like Khan Academy and others, but again I don't know where to start.
I understand that there have already been similar questions and I looked through them. Thank you for your attention.

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4 answer(s)
mamkaololosha, 2015-01-13

In Germany, they give a work visa "only" with a tower. They check your diploma, university, faculty, and so on. Everything is serious. You can just move, but this is either study (recommendations, publications, TOEFL > 80), or a request for a work visa "from the other side." Or look for leftist paths with marriages, leftist relatives, and so on. In Canada, it’s also about the same, + $ 10k to a migration lawyer. The most well-established scheme: VO + 5-7 years of experience, of which a managerial position is at least 2-3 years. Understand that "they have there" all these mechanisms are debugged and it will not work to deceive. Are you sure that you have an extra 2-3 years to study "abstract" algorithms, databases, methodologies, technologies and other things that you will not understand point-blank how to apply in production, for the sake of a junior?
VO is not necessary, but it must be compensated by a really "fierce" skill.

Sergey, 2015-01-13
Protko @Fesor

Nobody needs a programmer without experience and possibly education there either. And now even an experienced programmer is not so easy to get to Canada, they have recently seriously tightened their migration policy.
It's not worth learning, it makes no sense. Salt in understanding.

ivkol, 2015-01-13

it is worth going to a university for the sake of higher mathematics and the basics of programming - the first two courses (provided that the university is worthy - because the atmosphere itself and communication with smart teachers and peers is worth a lot). at the same time, there are some deadlines, offsets, etc. if on your own, then there is a high probability of falling into sloppiness. about the language - choose any one C-like and solve standard problems (there are a lot of them on the net, for example, here or here

sevmax, 2015-01-15

* Higher education is one of the mandatory requirements for migration and obtaining a residence permit.
* English language. 30 language books are just a distraction, without a training program they will not be very useful. You need to go to very strong language courses, they are now in every city. There are also online projects, like lingualeo.ru. Watch films in English without translation, listen to songs until you begin to understand the words and the meaning of these words.
Where to begin? Go to college and learn English!
Good luck!

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