Iamcreeping2020-04-28 15:01:41
Iamcreeping, 2020-04-28 15:01:41

Background url not loading, what should I do?

Hello whoever is reading this, I need help as a newbie on this.
In general, I assembled a new PC and transferred the project folder to it. I installed sublime, set everything up, and for some reason
nothing is displayed in the html file, only when I update many times, the navigation is only visible at the top right. And in the background url, I used to drive in the path to the folder with the picture, but now it doesn’t even write anything in the tooltips. The question, it seems to me, is quite simple, but I myself can not figure it out.

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2 answer(s)
ThunderCat, 2020-04-28

what to do?
Give up, no options...
Installed sublime, set everything up,
Apparently not all
and for some reason nothing is displayed in the html file
open the console where everything can be seen what loaded, what didn't load and why.
And in the background url, I used to drive in the path to the folder with the picture, but now it doesn’t even write anything in the tooltips.
The folder is apparently not marked as a resource, and bac k ground is not aware of it.

Froggyweb, 2020-04-28

coronavirus and self-isolation will kill the web

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