Mokkey2010-12-01 15:46:00
Mokkey, 2010-12-01 15:46:00

Automatically take screenshots of all pages of the site - how?

Task: make full screenshots of all pages of the site. There are several hundred pages, full screenshots are needed - i.e. pages across multiple screens, and the screenshot should cover the entire page, not just one visible screen.
How can this process be automated?
I normally make single screenshots with a browser plugin, but manually processing several hundred pages is too bleak a prospect. A computer should make life easier, not enslave a person.
Ideally, this should be a program or script that can be fed the site's URL and then it will follow internal links and take screenshots of each page, carefully naming the files and putting them into folders in accordance with the site structure.
In the future, screenshots are supposed to be used in the presentation.

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4 answer(s)
Mokkey, 2010-12-01

The task was solved through the script described here . An XML sitemap was generated, the necessary sections were selected, and this list was fed to the script. The result is a folder with screenshots.
Not perfect, but automation.
Thank you all for your participation and willingness to help!

Kalantyr, 2010-12-01

Once I used the TeleportPro program - it allows you to copy a site locally with a bunch of useful options. I think there are many such applications. Maybe there are some plugins (or built-in features) for them for automatic screenshots ...

SegaZero, 2010-12-04

The best program for taking screenshots of a site, IMHO, this is CutyCapt is a
little not friendly with chicken, it is not difficult to cure it.
so look for scripts for grabbing sites and feed the page addresses or the saved html of these pages to the utility

Carzil, 2010-12-01

Have you heard of WSH (Windows Script Host)?

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