Sergey Taramaly2021-01-30 11:49:50
Sergey Taramaly, 2021-01-30 11:49:50

At what point in learning java can you immerse yourself in Android development?

I am studying java with the further goal of trying myself in Android development, I already had experience in developing simple scripts in python and at the moment I have gone through the basics of the language: variables, conditions, loops, strings, conversion, reference variables (Integer, etc.). Further I plan classes, OOP. At the same time, I am reading Shield's book and solving problems on Codewars. And the question actually is, at what stage does it make sense to move into Android development?

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5 answer(s)
Sergey Gornostaev, 2021-01-30

Finish reading Schildt and write a network chat with a windowed interface. When it works, you can comfortably switch to mobile development.

Developer, 2021-01-30

You can switch at any time.

Vasily Bannikov, 2021-01-30

When you figured out the basic concepts of the language and compiler errors are no longer scary when you know where to look for answers to questions

evgeniy_lm, 2021-01-30

I'm learning java with a further goal to try myself in Android development,

JAVA is not a poem, but a programming language, you don't need to learn it, you need to write programs in it.
in python and at the moment passed the basics of the language:

If you do not change your attitude towards learning, then when you find out about the existence of a third PL, you will write something like "in java and at the moment you have gone through the basics of the language:"
at what stage does it make sense to move into android development

during the installation phase of Android Studio

Dmitry, 2021-01-30

I'll tell you from my experience. I "studied" java for half a year, but I studied it in quotes, I went through force. I also tried JavaRash (it didn’t work, it’s not interesting), I read books, I watched a couple of tutorial channels on YouTube. But it didn’t work, I didn’t see the application and I wanted to “feel” the android as soon as possible. As a result, I installed androyd studio, came up with a couple of projects for myself. In Android, there are a lot of channels and books, articles. As a result, the study went much more cheerfully and nothing prevents me from studying Java in parallel with android, it’s generally easier for me - since I’m implementing 3 projects at once. Why 3? Each has something that the other does not - so practical application. Although at first I thought, I’ll teach for a year, I’ll do something in Java, and only then I’ll go to android. conclusion - it was necessary to put the studio from the start and study right away in it.

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