Xveeder2019-07-29 17:47:58
Search Engine Optimization
Xveeder, 2019-07-29 17:47:58

Articles from Yandex. Do Zens rank well in SERPs?

Subject, gentlemen. Interested in the question of whether it is reasonable to write articles in Zen, in order to bring them to the top PS. In fact, the resource is trust, and besides, you can post your ads.

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1 answer(s)
Askhat Bikmetov, 2019-07-29

in order to bring them to the top PS

What metric do you use to measure the effectiveness of a campaign? The presence of pages in the top?
This is, of course, a visual result, so to speak, but it does not guarantee traffic in itself.
And it is precisely such metrics as traffic and conversion that I recommend using when evaluating the prospects of Zen.
Is the Zen platform big? Are there many active users? Will they convert in your theme? I don't know, you tell me.

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