Lich952017-07-21 09:41:18
Google Chrome
Lich95, 2017-07-21 09:41:18

Are there free fast VPN extensions for Chrome browser?

Increasingly, you have to use VPN both at home and at work :) If before the usual browsec was enough, now there is neither the strength nor the nerves to wait until something is loaded through it. And personal attempts to find something that was free and fast - ended in a total failure :( Attempts to find some foreign reviews of free VPNs also did not bring anything. Who will advise what from personal experience? Everything needs to work quickly (music, video, graphics ) and it was free.Traffic per month is about 5-6 GB.

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3 answer(s)
paddavan, 2017-07-21

In vain they looked for an answer abroad. Runet tried to watch?
A good thematic overview - https://notagram.ru/kak-obojti-blokirovku-sajtov-t...

CityCat4, 2017-07-21

Laws on messengers and VPNs are adopted in the third reading
UPD: Enter
into force: Law on VPN - November 1, 2017

Host-Eiweb, 2017-07-21

Rent your own VPS (virtual server) and set up OpenVPN on it. The cost is within $4/mo., it's not expensive at all, but you will use it without nerves. Yes, you can play online games, there will be no particular discomfort.

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