Fatal_Error2013-12-25 13:17:19
Fatal_Error, 2013-12-25 13:17:19

Are there APIs similar to sms.ru for sending MMS?

The task is to send a QR code to a user's phone. I took care of searching for an API for sending MMS, but so far I have not found anything.
Do such APIs even exist? Maybe someone already faced with such a problem and can advise something?
Should I even send a QR code as an MMS? Maybe just send a link to download the picture? But not everyone can be connected to the Internet tariff.

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1 answer(s)
Rikcon, 2013-12-25

MMS is generally not a very popular thing, the opsos then sends the MMS settings right away, but no one knows what could go wrong there.
I have been using phones with MMS support for about 4-5 years, received 1 or 2, sent about 3-4.
So in sms it’s better to link not to a picture with a QR code, but just a link of a shortened form, which in turn already redirects to the link that was in the QR, since there are a lot of services + some of them can give conversion statistics, so there are advantages .

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