Stanislav Botev2017-06-05 22:44:10
Stanislav Botev, 2017-06-05 22:44:10

Are there any up-to-date tutorials on installing and configuring Gulp?

I'm looking for an up-to-date Gulp guide/tutorial. Please advise. I stumble upon articles dating back to 2015 and so on.

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2 answer(s)
Serg Grbanoff, 2017-06-05

This article is probably the most detailed on installing and configuring Gulp in RuNet, the information in it is still relevant.

Bogdan, 2017-06-06

It would seem that now the front-end is developing by leaps and bounds, so all articles become outdated by the time they are written. So read the official doc. Now Gulp 4 is relevant , but almost all the info is still according to the old version.

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