Egor Mordvinov2017-01-06 16:45:38
Egor Mordvinov, 2017-01-06 16:45:38

Simple yeoman generator for ladning page layout?

A minimum set of tools is required: bootstrap with preprocessors, gylp and browser-sync for easy layout of simple landing pages. Does yeoman have similar generators, or is it worth it to get tired and collect everything yourself? Maybe there are just ready-made template templates, what do you recommend?

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2 answer(s)
Skrolea, 2017-01-06

Here (on the Toaster) I was advised like this https://github.com/larsonjj/generator-yeogurt
Sass (scss), gulp, browser-sync, but jade (although you can turn it off)

rustler2000, 2017-01-11

On the gulp, going fun and easy

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