deleted2020-05-19 21:33:19
Career in IT
deleted, 2020-05-19 21:33:19

Are the requirements for trainee too high?

Brief background :
Not so long ago (about 5 months ago), for the sake of the dream of a lifetime, he quit a profitable job, locked himself at home and began to learn programming. Having dealt with the basics of html, css and just touched on js, I began to look for the first job as a tester in order to somehow get into the IT environment and move into development.

At one of several interviews, it turned out that the company has a JS-trainee position and, if I complete the test, they will take me on an internship. I want to say right away that I did not hide my little experience and skill level and immediately told everything as it is.

Essence of the question:
And now, after the test, I am on an internship.
Knowing my level of knowledge, I was immediately thrown into a fancy technology stack with AngularJs, NodeJs, ElasticSearch, Docker, and so on, with the duty of daily deployment to the main project.
Working hours: from 10.00 - 22.00.
There was no salary at first, now it's $200.
Only having dealt with the basic data types in JS, it's hard to immediately delve into the described stack.
And with such a schedule, only nights and weekends remain for study, which is not at all enough.

Tell me, please, is this approach to interns normal or should I look towards other vacancies, given that I have already managed to catch up with a certain base?

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3 answer(s)

well, don’t wipe the snot for you ...
gain your mind for half a year, then go to the normal position of the jun

Puma Thailand, 2020-05-19

And where did you find the 12 hour work schedule))) this is doubtful for IT

Sergey Gornostaev, 2020-05-20

Rejoice, in harsh combat conditions, training usually goes much faster and better. Then you will have a bite to eat competitors in the labor market.

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